Welcome to the new Humane League of Philadelphia blog! We'll have a real post up later this week with some updates on new animal rescues, outreach events, and more, but for now - welcome! In the coming months we hope that you'll find this blog of interest for hearing and seeing more about what The Humane League of Philadelphia is doing, as well as reading commentary from myself and others at the Humane League about current animal issues and animal advocacy work.
If you here then you've probably visited our newly redesigned website, www.TheHumaneLeague.com . I hope you'll take some time to explore the site, we've got a lot of great resources up there (like our guide to veg eating at fast food restaurants around the country, to name one example), our 2008 Annual Report has been posted, and there are some videos that you might be interested in checking out as well.
For the Animals,